Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Farewell to Robot Arms

You know, I haven't read much Hemingway but I think the title of this post is just too clever for its own good. I think it might need a less awesome title for balance, or you guys might expect the highest quality pun titles from here on out.

I should add a second title, like a Rocky and Bullwinkle episode.

So this is a goodbye post for And I'll Form the Head (or stop the giant fighting robot presses! Eh, I'll work on my subtitles at some later point, dollink.)

The reason why I'll be ending this segment is because I want to focus more on webcomic critique, and also I have been posting less frequently on that portion of the website (even though as of lately I haven't posted anything at all on either portions, but that'll change when finals are over). I'll be keeping And I'll Form the Heads online, but it will become inactive starting... now.

So stick around, I'm not done yet! If you want to get your giant fighting robot nerd on, though, this blog won't be able to help quell your appetite. Maybe from time to time, if I find a webcomic on giant fighting robots. Then come back!

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